Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pillars of strength

I'm back with tons of pictures to share! Have been really tensed up and stressed for the past one week due to oral examination. Eventually, i am done with my oral. The topic came out to be something related to the preschool children. That's certainly something i am familiar with. Hopefully, i can score well although  i screwed up a little during the conversation. >< I must really thank the girls for helping me, especially TwinnyA and jacq. They actually spent time to do revisions with me. They have made the effort to look for pictures and then test me on it. They even wrote their comments on a piece of  paper and later on give me advises. I am truly grateful for what they have done! Not to mention, Twinny actually stayed in school just to wait for my exam to end. To be honest, i may not have the patience and kind-heartiness of her's to wait for anyone. I really appreciate what she has done. Not forgetting all the encouragements and sweet texts form bestf and aijing. Love you girls so much! These girls including twinny, jacq, rach, Jiawen, Qiyan are seriously my pillars of strength! Alright, enough of all those mushy words, i am now going to start with my birthday post! heeheee! On the 21st, i met up with Jiawen and bestf! We had pastamina for dinner, and had a mini celebration in bakerzin. Thanks girls! ^^ Bestf got me pressie too! :) I love it! Next day, which was the actual day, i woke up late. So , i  literally slept half of my birthday away! :( That's okay. hahahah! In the evening, Momo ordered KFC and bought me a huge cake! Just a little celebration with the fam. It was still fun!:) I headed out to meet the kiddies after my dinner with the fam. I was a little late and i thought they would be late too. I was wrong, they reached there 1 hour earlier than the time we were supposed to meet. Indeed, they have planned a very successful surprise! I was so shocked when jacq came with the helium balloons. Then, Rach gave me a box of cupcakes from TwleveCupcakes! These things are really something i have yearned for the longest time. I was really very surprised! I even shook hand with Rach for don't know what reason! I must have gone bonkers! lol. Then, we went empire state as they have not eaten their dinner. I was there drinking my soda and chit-chatting with them. We were roaming around causeway after the dinner, and then we decided to get some ice cream from mac. So, we sat at mac and had our ice-cream. We continued with our nonsenses for quite awhile! We left mac at about 11 plus, which i think it was rather late already! Nevertheless,  these girls really made my day! :) On the 24th, had dinner with the favourite girls! We went Cowboy's Tavern. It's quite nice and pretty much affordable.  We really had so much fun there! Cant wait for our next outing! heehee. Then, bestf and i decided to walk home instead of taking the bus so as to burn off some calories. HAHHA. Basically, that's about it?  I feel really blessed to have all these great and wonderful people around me.  Love them so much~ <3>

Happy Birthday to Siqi.

Bestf and I <3>

Jiawen :)

Food of the day. (21/0812)

Thanks Momo and Sissy !

We ate this for almost a week! ><

Sissy(s) got me this ! Love it!

My pretty Momo!


Birthday Outfit!

Thank you so much, kiddies.

Love the cupcakes ! Thanks Rach.

Love you so much Twinny. ^^

I think jacq bought these ballons? But anw, Thanks!!

This shirt is so adorable! Love it so muchy! <3>

Cowboy'stavern with the favourite girls

Hmmmmm! Love the flavours of the ice creams!

Omg, look at the cakes! We still ate some of it though. Hahaha 

Close up view of the squishy looking cakes.

Happy 18th Birthday. Bestf! Hope you like the little surprise and the presents that i have prepared for you! Love you!

Ramen Ten with jacq after my exam! :)

This ramen is super spicy! >< My stomach is still hurting now!

Some overdue pics/
Do we remind you of a traffic light? heehee.

Fun day working with Twinny and Jacq!

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