Monday, December 21, 2009

okay! finally my pictures are here!

first day in waipo's house.
seems to be little awkward..LOL

everyone says he is the most good looking one,
among all the children,but i don't think so lor.
he's cute but he get irritating at times.

this guy! the cutest! he has really big eye!

LOL,everyone is bullying him! poor darling~

the twins! they are different okay!

how cute can he be?hahahaha!

went shopping almost everyday!
first time taking the bus there!
quite breezy actually~
was like sticking to the same people everyday!
you! chaumei! hahahahah.

cam- whoring with this girl,
while the rest are trying out their clothes.
KL trip~

the clothes there are damn cheap can.
14.90RINGGIT. and the material are super good lors/.
not that kind of cloth which is super laoya!



1 comment:

chaumei said...

u went to kl?!
which shopping did u go?