Friday, November 13, 2009

picnic with gfs.
tang never gho! wo hen sad!D:
but it still fun!
woke up at around 10 plus,
thn prepare prepare..
thn went np to meet aj,j and jw!
buy all those stuff.
and off we gho to marrina barrage!
damn dulan,cause is raning! hah!
we found a cozy place though.hahahah.
after picnic,headed to plaza sing.
finally i bought my nail polish,orange and pink!
damn chio! went to ajisen,drink my pepsi!
gossiping with jw AGAIN!in the train..
which make me very huo ta! i enjoy gossiping!
it so fun! hah!
lastly! i miss you,tang!
must xiang wo also!♥

sick of your empty promises!

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