Tuesday, September 08, 2009

wild wild wet cum bbq!
went wild wild wet with sr.ck.z and wj.
qy~ni qi pian wo de gan qing!
anw;was fun;we thought today never open.
but it does,as holiday mah:)
really really fun!
went kfc for our dinner/
until 6 ,we went off to sembawang park!
bbq~ with yq they all.
feeling really uncomfortable;vomited! hah.
din really eat;as we just ate kfc;
and really really very full!
take photos.blablablah.
was ready to gho home,but i cnt find my wallet.
search everywhere also cannot find.
tuo lei the others to help me find also.
cried! damn paiseh larh!
found! was in wj papa de car.
omg;fang xin liao, as inside got alot of important things.
really sorry ah! everybody!
damn guilty.

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