Saturday, June 20, 2009

yest,meet sr at the bus stop,
went off to jurong ..
thn shop awhile,
sat down,chat alot:)
after tt met z at the mrt station..
trained to clementi..
wait for ck and B.
thn cabbed to the yong siew toh conservatory..
thn,the concert start..we almost late lors..
was okies larh..
ended at 10 smth..
went out,saw that bus was packed with peopel;
so decided to call a cab..
they are jokers larh.. so much thing happened,and make me laughed non-stop,lol
thn cabbed..thn trained back yishun..
wanted to eat with them,but too late..
so went da bao mac with sr.
thn bused home,reach home at 12!

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