Wednesday, June 10, 2009

back from camp!
was lyk finally larh..actually,the camp was quite okies.
not that bad:)
went to school on monday to gather,
same group with heyu!
hahahaahs,damn high can, knowing that she is in the same group with me.
at least,somebody i know is in the same group with me.
thn take the bus to labrador adventure centre.
briefing briefing ..-.-
ice breaking,get to know one another,and our instructor was okies larh.
not really that fierce.
some of the others instructors are really jokers larh!lol/
lunch-ed,those food sucks larh.
we paid so much money,and what we get is all those "not nice" food!
after lunch was abseiling,was fun actually:)
thn high rope thing~tried the log thing,quite scary~lol.
after that was rock climbing,i din try it,it's sososo..
night walk ..was damn boring!
group reflection..supper..
thn shower!
lol,we need to shower in pairs within 3min.
impossible right,showered with june,lol,i saw her butt!
sleep! the bed is damn hard!!and the place i sleep is damn damn hot!
the next day woke up at 5 smth.tired..
brush up~and gather.breakfast.zipline!
zipline was fun.ahahahas.
general station,boring!after that was campfire preparation.
lunch,thn kayaking!
was fun fun fun! hee~june dun jealous arh! hahahaah.
improvised rafting..i did nothing actually.
again~campfire preparation..
dinner thn campfire..
was quite boring..just wacth all those performances.
reflection with supper again.
thn lights off!
today!did some area cleaning..
debrief..and back home!
hahahahs,reached home bathe~i bathe for 1 hour can!
going to sleep soon~ lol.
ah wait,most important thing is,
make new friends and old friends:)

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